A few people have asked about some of the books I've read about rocketry. Below I've made a list of some of these resources:
Without books on rocketry and aerospace, you would not be reading this blog at the moment. Because without the information I needed, I would have become discouraged and given up early on. There aren't a whole lot of resources out there for the rocketry enthusiast, but any bit of material I can get my hands on I read and re-read because I can learn so much from it.
Books and Resources I Have Learned From

However I don't consider myself evil, or a genius for that matter, this book was helpful because the beginning of the book is for the beginner and novice, but towards the end of the book the topics get more advanced, so you don't really outgrow it right away. This book introduced me to the topic of computer programming and the flight computer. To teach myself concepts in programming I am currently using the BASIC language, and from there perhaps I will be able to build a flight computer someday. (To record data, deploy the 'chute, etc).

Model Rocket Design and Construction is a book I purchased with RockSim rocket design software. See my post about rocket design software here. This book contains information on how to design and build rockets so they are safe, cost-effective, cool looking, high-performance, and successful rockets. It is written by an experienced aerospace engineer who is the owner of Apogee Components.

Anyway, this book contains very useful information on how to do this, and all the information you need to get started (not necessarily how to build your own spacecraft! :)
So those are the books about model and high-power rocketry that I have read, and I probably would have never gotten this far without them. Another great resource is the Internet (there’s so much information on the Internet that it makes my brain hurt). That is how I found out about a local high-power rocketry club: Tripoli MN.
There is one more that I would like to mention here:

Rocket Propulsion Elements is a thick, 700-page book covering all but the most advanced topics in rocket science! *Drool* I don’t own it yet, I have to save my money. The book is worth $120.00!! Just a little light reading for my spare moments, right?
Oh, and I certainly don't want to forget this one!

The Holy Bible, my ultimate reference:
- "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit'—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.'" ~James 4:13-15
- "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps" ~Proverbs 16:9
Even though I have most of my life laid out in my mind, as often as I think of it I remind myself, “If the Lord wills, I will live and do this or that." I can’t help but think of George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life." He had it all planned. But God had other ideas for him. So that's why I try to talk about my plans in a tentative way.
- "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
That verse pretty much sums up the mission of DTH Rocket Endeavors!
Have you seen the TV show MacGyver? Its first season was the year I was born (I'm 22) so I started watching it when I was a toddler. My brother would lock me in our dog's crate and I would escape from the inside in imitation of MacGyver -- that's what we did instead of playing house, I guess! I also had a facination with fixing nearly everything that broke. Your use of duct tape to make your first rockets immediately reminded me of the show. I kept wondering how in the world he knew all that stuff -- now I'm wondering what books he read!
Btw, I like that you listed the Bible with the books -- so right. Whatever we do, if we are to do it truly well (as in, out-of-this-world great), our first and best and most important inspiration and education comes from God alone.
Keep on seeking Him!
God Bless,
Thanks so much for posting about the books you read.
p.s. your blog is so cool!
Great post! I'm really enjoying your blog! Keep up the good work, brother!
I LOVE the movie "It's a Wonderful Life!!"
Hey! Found you through The Rebelution. Just want to encourage you to keep on going. By working hard now, you're going to be able to do even more amazing things for God's glory in the future!
I've really enjoyed reading about your enthusiasm for rocketry and space. I love watching the skies at night, spotting satellites and meteors. It's a constant source of amazement and inspiration.
But I also like your very grounded observation that God holds all the cards. The saying here in the Middle East where I'm serving in the military is "God willing." They say that for ANYTHING in the future, even making lunch plans for the next day. But they recognize that world is an uncertain place, despite all our plans and dreams.
That being said, I wish you all the best and hope that you achieve what you have set your sights on. God purposed us to use our minds and our hearts to their limits. It is all to his glory. I hope you will consider serving a few years in the air force or navy, before or after college - it would give you a boost in the world of aerospace, plus the country needs a few good men and women.
Amos 5:8
seek him who made the Pleiades and Orion, and turns the shadow of death into the morning, and makes the day dark with night; who calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out on the surface of the earth, the LORD is his name.
Rockets are sweet, God is cool, Christians are weird, there is no better combination. I like the blog!
In Christ,
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