Not rocketry per se, but I've been working a lot lately to earn money for rocketry. Very soon I will purchase all the supplies I need to build my certification rocket!
Here's a video I made (a commercial, actually) that shows a little of what I've been doing lately:
As for the rocket I'm planning to build, I'm trying to save money by building a rocket that could be used to certify on both level 1 and level 2. I also bought a 38mm 6-grain Cesaroni casing that can be used with both I and J motors, so I won't have to buy two casings for both certifications. It's a basic 3FNC (three fins and a nose cone) design. I'm taking the KISS approach for once in my life (keep it simple, stupid!).
Yeah. Life's been busy.
Spacers are your friend. I'd definitely spend a few bucks and cert on an H or small I, rather than a full I.
Well, I'd rather certify on a full I. Seriously, I've got nothing to lose. It would be good practice for using the same rocket to certify level 2 on a small J. :D
Orientation was interesting. It turns out that all the people I met that day I never became friends with, and many others that I ignored all became my friends. College is great, you are going to have a blast.
I actually certified level 1 the summer before college, then went for level 2 as a JR. I personally love the big G - small H range of motors. They are really cool, and pretty cheap also. J motors run you $55 or $60 per flight, no? You can do 3 small H motors for a similar price.
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