
What I've Been Doing Lately

Not rocketry per se, but I've been working a lot lately to earn money for rocketry. Very soon I will purchase all the supplies I need to build my certification rocket!

Here's a video I made (a commercial, actually) that shows a little of what I've been doing lately:

As for the rocket I'm planning to build, I'm trying to save money by building a rocket that could be used to certify on both level 1 and level 2. I also bought a 38mm 6-grain Cesaroni casing that can be used with both I and J motors, so I won't have to buy two casings for both certifications. It's a basic 3FNC (three fins and a nose cone) design. I'm taking the KISS approach for once in my life (keep it simple, stupid!).

EARLY tomorrow morning we are driving down to Iowa for my freshmen orientation at Iowa State. I have this sinking feeling that it is going to be very disorienting. But better than no orientation.

Yeah. Life's been busy.


The EGE said...

Spacers are your friend. I'd definitely spend a few bucks and cert on an H or small I, rather than a full I.


DTH Rocket said...

Well, I'd rather certify on a full I. Seriously, I've got nothing to lose. It would be good practice for using the same rocket to certify level 2 on a small J. :D

High Power Rocketry said...
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High Power Rocketry said...

Orientation was interesting. It turns out that all the people I met that day I never became friends with, and many others that I ignored all became my friends. College is great, you are going to have a blast.

I actually certified level 1 the summer before college, then went for level 2 as a JR. I personally love the big G - small H range of motors. They are really cool, and pretty cheap also. J motors run you $55 or $60 per flight, no? You can do 3 small H motors for a similar price.
